New Year Celebrations Bring Associates Together at Victoria Golf Resort

GM at Victoria Golf Resort during New Year celebrations

Victoria Golf Resort recently celebrated Aluth Avurudda, the New Year celebrations according to the traditional Lunar calendar.

The Sinhala and Tamil New Year, also known as Aluth Avurudda (Sinhala word) is a vibrant and joyous celebration in Sri Lanka. It marks the beginning of the New Year according to the traditional lunar calendar.

During this festive time, families and communities come together to engage in various traditional games and activities. Some popular games include Kanamutti Bindeema (Blindfolded Pot Breaking), Placing the Eye on the Elephant, Sack Race , Musical Chairs , Kotta Pora (Pillow Fight) and many more.

Female associates play traditional games at new year celebrations at Victoria Golf Resort
Men playing traditional games at New Year celebrations at Victoria Golf Resort

Apart from games, another highlight of the New Year celebrations is the sweet meats table, known as the “Kavili” or “Avurudu table.” It is adorned with an array of delicious traditional sweets and treats including Milk rice, Kokis (crispy deep-fried cookies), Kavum (oil cakes), and Athirasa (rice flour cakes). Families take pride in preparing these delicacies and sharing them with neighbors and visitors during the festive season.

Nearly 200 associates and caddies came together at Victoria Golf Resort for a day of fun and camaraderie. From traditional rituals to fun-filled games, the day offers a much-needed break for associates to relax and unwind. Through spirited activities and shared laughter, bonds are strengthened, and memories are made, fostering a sense of team and connection within the Victoria Golf Resort community.

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