Verbena and the Butterfly Initiative

Verbena McIlwaine

Food & Beverage Manager

Facility and location: Dr. Charles L. Sifford Course, Mecklenburg, NC

The Troon Value that most resonates with me is Genuinely Meticulous: attention to details. My personality and motto is about concentrating on the little things that enhance the experience in everything I do!

In addition to working at the Dr. Charles L. Sifford Course, I am a professional cosmetologist, and I have always loved to mentor others. I get self-gratification in helping and assisting other ladies. As a little girl, I wanted to be a teacher.  Through the game of golf and my cosmetology work, I have been able to help educate and mentor others in both sectors. Both platforms keep me connected and engaged with the female community.

I was introduced to the game of golf at TPC Saw Grass – I was walking around the property and noted how beautiful it was. I noted a Hole in One contest on property and took advantage of  the opportunity to hit some balls, and to my surprise I was making consistent contact, it was very exhilarating!  One of the associates from the pro shop came out and saw me hitting balls and said, “Oh you play golf”? I said, “No sir, this is the first time”.  He said, young lady, you should take some lessons, you’re a natural!

I took lessons for about two years with a coach on weekends, mostly we focused on the short game. Then COVID hit and I really got the golf bug. I started playing on the course, mostly 9-holes and because I am so competitive, I had the motivation to get better.

I started traveling and playing golf – I played in Arizona, Hawaii, Mexico… all over.  Other women would see me playing on my social platforms or hear me talking about golf at the salon and they’d ask me questions about getting into the game. I was able to utilize my experiences and things I learned along the way to help get them get started – tips on buying clubs, golf etiquette, you name it.

I got involved in Women on Course and became the Charlotte (NC) Market Leader – I hosted a lot of clinics. I saw the need for more cooperation and mentoring of women, and so I started the Butterfly Golf Initiative: “Supporting women on their golf journey.”  I connect with a lot of beginners and intermediate players through the initiative. I volunteer with the U.S. Girls Golf group and I sit on the Board for the First Tee of Charlotte.

I recently took the initiative to start my LPGA journey, and I am currently in Level 3, while still working in the pro shop, and doing my cosmetology on weekends.

Some of the biggest obstacles I hear from women are:

  • I heard it was intimidating
  • I heard it is expensive
  • I heard most men do not want to play with women

Through the Butterfly Initiative, we meet once a month on Sundays and support each other in whatever obstacles we have in the game. Each clinic has a different topic: pre-routine setup, the putting stroke, etc.  I have themes that can speak to both new and experienced players alike.  We host the Women’s Golf Xplosion events twice a year: April, and the next one is Sunday October 13th at the Dr. Charles L Sifford Course.  Participants can either play the 9-hole scramble or participate in a 3-station clinic. I work with a few other certified coaches to help with the day’s setup and events, and everyone has fun – we have prizes and awards.

My main focus for the women in our group is to start on the fundamentals, keep it fun and simple. We discuss the mental part of the game, the physical motions, and golf etiquette. We talk about what to expect the first time you call for a tee time or when they show up to the course, how do they check in, warm up, etc.  I want the women to walk away feeling empowered, knowing they learned something new that day.

Editor’s note: Verbena has an unbelievable enthusiasm for both the game and empowering women. We look forward to great things from her and the Butterfly Golf Initiative and we can’t wait for her to achieve her LPGA status. Verbena left us with this “I like to think of myself as a butterfly who landed on golf.”

For more about Verbena follow her on Instagram at @butterflygolf_initiative and you can find her @meckcountypublicgolf!




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