5 Reasons to Performance Track Your Golf Game – Shot Scope | Shot Scope | Troon
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5 Reasons to Performance Track Your Golf Game – Shot Scope

As it is Player Development Month at TROON, it seemed only fitting that our Game Performance Hub article for the month was on performance tracking, one of Shot Scope’s specialties.

Shot Scope have an array of shot tracking devices to suit every golfer’s personal preference, all of which give the player access to over 100 tour level performance statistics on their game.

On average, Shot Scope performance tracking users save 4.1 strokes after 30 recorded rounds, if that doesn’t tempt you to try tracking your game, then maybe the five reasons below will!

Reason No. 1 – Know your game

Shot Scope performance tracking products know more about you as a golfer than you do. Whilst we may think we know how we navigate our way around the course, the reality is that the level of detail available through tracking is incredible.

Through tracking, players can learn how far they hit their clubs, how they tackle tee shots, how they attack approach shots, how successful they are with the short game, how they perform when putting, and much more.

The free to use Shot Scope mobile app and web dashboard is home to the above stats as well as Strokes Gained and Handicap Benchmarking. Access to such information allows players to pinpoint the exact areas that they need to improve to lower their scores – you don’t know until you track.

Reason No. 2 – Get the most out of your practice

We are all guilty of, at some point in our golfing journey, going to the driving range and hitting countless drivers with no real focus to our ‘practice’. Whilst good fun, it is unlikely to help your game the next time you head to the course.

The typical amateur golfer has a finite amount of time to dedicate to their golf, let alone practicing their golf, which is why the Strokes Gained Scoring section of the Shot Scope data platform is so valuable.

Here, golfers can see the areas of their game that are gaining, or costing, them strokes making it easier than ever to focus your next practice session. Each aspect of the game is given a Strokes Gained value and from there, players can navigate to the respective section and delve deeper into the data.

Access to such data allows golfers to make better use of their time and effort rather than heading to the range and hitting ball after ball. Instead, if you know you struggle with your approach shots from a certain distance, you can use a laser rangefinder at the driving range to pick the perfect target.

Shot Scope have various shot tracking products, all of which enjoy no subscription fees and lifetime free updates making game improvement available to everyone.

Reason No. 3 – Set achievable goals

Some of us will set goals for our golf game like winning the club championship or winning one of the weekly competitions. Regardless of what your goal is, how do you plan to achieve it?

For many players, there may not be an answer to that question. For many players, repeating the same process of turning up and playing will be the answer, hoping for something different to happen despite making no changes – the definition of insanity Einstein suggests.

Whilst golf may drive you mad at times, with performance tracking and some short, medium, and long-term goal setting you can start to make some progress toward the ultimate goal of winning whatever tournament it is you have your sights set on.

An example of a short-term goal you might set yourself would be to reduce your number of three putts for the next month. With performance tracking, you can compare your putting performance to the relative Handicap Benchmark and see how you compare on the greens. Perhaps there is a distance you struggle from, tracking allows you to identify this, then simply spend some time working on putts from that distance.

As you start to hit these goals, you begin to edge towards your main goal – whatever it may be.

Reason No. 4 – Make better decisions on course

Course guides, are they actually that useful? In some respects yes, but when they suggest a target line, is it actually the best line for you to take? Possibly not.

With performance tracking, players know their game’s tendencies and can use this information to guide their decisions, particularly useful for tee shots.

Shot Scope users can take this a step further with the MyStrategy feature which allows them to overlay their on-course performance data on a GPS map of every hole on over 36,000 courses worldwide.

Pick the perfect target line for your game, with shots to finish, dispersion, and much more available on MyStrategy.

Similarly, if you routinely play the same course, the Course Analysis feature with Shots Plotted allows golfers to see Strokes Gained values for every shot and how club selection impacts their scoring on both tee shots and approach shots.

Access to this array of data allows for better decision making based on your golf game.

Reason No. 5 – Monitor improvement

Lastly, being able to monitor your improvement can motivate and reassure you that your practice is paying off which is always a positive aspect of tracking data.

With Shot Scope, you can set custom date ranges or look at previous seasons to see how your game compares to years gone by, using past performances to guide future results in the never-ending pursuit of golfing perfection.

Player Development Month

With it being the month of player development, one of the best ways you can develop your golf game is through performance tracking.

There are few proven methods of game improvement but shot tracking and data collection are one and with Shot Scope, you can find the perfect method to track your game from their array of performance tracking products.

Start tracking now and save 4.1 strokes with Shot Scope!